
Sakura Trees

A little girl once lived a happy life.
 She was an only child, but was kind to all others.
  Then her dad got sick.

He lay in a hospital bed, talking to his daughter.
 "Here, take this, little one." he said, and handed her a cherry pit.
   "What will this do?" She asked, teary eyed.
      His heart rate was getting slower.

"It is to represent your dreams.
  Plant it and , if you take good care of it,
    It will one day grow to be a beautiful sakura tree."

With one last tear streaking his face, but with a smile.
  He silently slipped away.

A few weeks later, she planted the tree.
 "If this was your final wish,
   Then I will take care of it until I die."

6 years later,
  She went into her sophomore year of high school.
    She was very beautiful, and was invited to many parties.
      "I have plans already. Sorry."

Everyday she cared for her tree,
  Which now towered over her.
     But her dreams, they were still a small seed.

20 years later,
  She was happily married,
     And now had a daughter of her own.

But after all those years,
  She still cared for her precious tree

Watching her child grow made her realize,
  After all those years she finally had her dream.
      Who would eventually grow into a beautiful sakura tree.


Growing Up

I recently got a complaint from a family member of mine who thought that my views of previous occurrences were based off of lies, but who has yet to tell me why or how this could be true. They also thought that some of the songs I used for my SotD's were inappropriate for me to be listening to.
I may be young, but I have a right to speak my own opinion. That's why I thought this blog was a good idea. So that except to the people who know who I am, I can let out my thoughts anonymously. So that I can finally empty the large number of thoughts that race through my mind so I don't stay awake all night thinking about it. Simply, just to get things off my chest. I appreciate the views, but I never said you absolutely had to read my blog, so if you don't like what I have to say, then stop reading my blog!

I need a release. Everyone does. Music is my release, I'd be lost without it. Even if the music I listen to isn't exactly up to your standards, it is obviously up to mine. Weren't you the one who first taught me the phrase,
 " The ones who mind don't matter and the ones who matter don't mind."? Just ask yourself, do you want to matter to me? You don't have to. I mean, I love you, but if you can't accept who I am, I will, though reluctantly, leave you be. I don't want to keep you shut out over something so stupid, but I can't give up my music.

If my views from my parents divorce seem untrue to you, then feel free to explain why they aren't. If you aren't up for that because I'm too young to understand, then please don't say anything about it, because that just makes me think you are just trying to cover up your own lies. 

I'm growing up, and you have to understand that. You've had 2 children, so you should know how to cope with that already. You also told me that the only person in this world I can control is me. Doesn't the same go for you?

<3 ~Steph~


March 15th, 2011

Today, exactly a year ago, I lost someone in my family. I never got to know her that well, mainly because she lived in Georgia. Even so, I cried just as much when my mom called me. My little sister and I were staying with my dad for spring break and she had gone into a hospice the day before. My mom, uncle and both of my grandparents were driving as fast as the law would allow up I-75. They had gotten a call that she had become unresponsive. Half way there, my mom got a call saying to pull over. She was gone. I may have never known her that well, but I do remember her. One spring break, we went to visit other family members in Georgia and we got to go into her apartment. We stayed for dinner and me and my sister helped make spaghetti. It was fun, and I remember looking at her little paper Dixie cups and saying, "Mommy! That's what Grandma's puppy is named!" She may be gone but she helped shape the person I am today. Literally. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't exist. Nor would my mom or grandma.
 R.I.P. My Great Grandmother, or as we called her, Granny Esther.

SotD: Hold On - Wilson Phillips

This was the song that was playing on the radio when my mom got the news. I thought it would be appropriate as the SotD for today's post.



  So, I stayed up a little late last night (3 am) and had to wake up at 9 to go visit some of my mom's friends and their cute little baby person. (I mentioned them about... 12 posts ago.) I din't have to wake up, but my sister was like, " You have two choices: get up and get dressed so we can go see squishy, or go back to sleep." I was pretty tired, so I rolled and went back to sleep. 5 minutes later, "Steph, I don't think you heard me. Get up and get dressed or go to sleep." 5 minutes later, " GET UP! WE"RE GOING TO SEE SQUISHY!!!" So, I was unable to sleep through the day, (Sad, I know) but I got to feed a baby and go eat lunch at Chik-fil-a, and considering the fact that where I live and because the closest one is about 30 minutes away, I'd call that a bonus.

  So, I kinda slacked off yesterday on my funny picture thing. So to make up for that I have this.

And for Tuesday, I have a random Japanese word with it's meaning for you.

SotD: Kokoro - Vocaloid

Not much else to say, which is good because I'm being kicj=ked off the computer so my stupid step-dad can play his computer games. Whatever.

<3 ~Steph~


First Art Post!

Okay, I have decided to finally scan some pictures and put them up for you guys as a thank you for 150 page views! (I have 186 right now but these pictures were promised from the start).

Edward Elric Fanart <3

Based on a piece from the 3rd grade.

Random Winged Cat

 That's about it for now, but look forward to more!
<3 ~Steph~

Making Some Changes (Permanent? IDK...)

Today, at least from what I can see from my bedroom window, has been pretty gloomy. But I like days like this. I mean, I know this may be weird to most of you, but if I were to ever find out I have some terminal disease, I want to find out on a day like this. The showering rain brings me a sense of peace I don't get very often.

Like I decided to try out the SotD thing, I'm going to try out some new stuff.

Monday's - Random Funny Picture/ Video
Tuesday's - Random Japanese Word (With English Definition, and Pronunciation)
Wednesday's - Drawing Uploads 
Thursday's -  Chapters of My Book (Work in Progress)
Friday's - Movie Ratings (Only movies rated PG-13 and under)

Daily- SotD

By the way, the SotD's name will be put in my posts still, but I won't be putting videos for them anymore, mainly because of the playlist.com gadget that automatically plays the songs. But I will post lyrics and I will be making a warning above the lyrics if they are by any means inappropriate.

SotD: We Are Young - Fun.

Give me a second I,
I need to get my story straight
My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State
My lover she’s waiting for me just across the bar
My seat’s been taken by some sunglasses asking bout a scar, and
I know I gave it to you months ago
I know you’re trying to forget
But between the drinks and subtle things
The holes in my apologies, you know
I’m trying hard to take it back
So if by the time the bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I’ll carry you home

We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

Now I know that I’m not
All that you got
I guess that I, I just thought
Maybe we could find new ways to fall apart
But our friends are back
So let’s raise a toast
‘Cause I found someone to carry me home

We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

Carry me home tonight (Nananananana)
Just carry me home tonight (Nananananana)
Carry me home tonight (Nananananana)
Just carry me home tonight (Nananananana)

The moon is on my side
I have no reason to run
So will someone come and carry me home tonight
The angels never arrived
But I can hear the choir
So will someone come and carry me home

We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

So if by the time the bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I’ll carry you home tonight 

<3 ~Steph~



I hate it when people complain that they have broken hearts after they've been rejected by some boy at school, when there are people like me who are truly suffering through hard times. I don't mean stuff like I can't find any of my cute earrings or I ran out of my favorite eye-shadow. No, I mean real pain. Like still dealing with my parents divorce just to find out my dad and step-mom are getting divorced. They are trying to work it out, but they say they're just going to press the reset button on the whole relationship. If it didn't work out the first time, how will it work out this time? People don't change. They may be able to change how they are but you can never change who you are. What ever caused the problems between you now will always be there, even if you lock it up in the darkest corner of your heart you can find. If people could really change as a whole, the first divorce wouldn't have happened, right?

I know I write about subjects that may not interest the people with parents who are still together. But I'm trying to help those who have gone through similar situations, more so to help children perservere through a divorce that may be in progress. But, for those of you who are lucky enough that they can't even imagine their parents splitting up, I will focus on things you would be interested to as well.

<3 ~Steph~


Hope, Tears, Pain, Memories

A small girl sits with her arm around her little sister who is only about 6 months old. The older sister, who is only 4 years old never could have prepared herself for the long road ahead. It was obvious after her parents had their first fight , which was before her little sister was even though of, and when her Daddy tried to leave , she grabbed her bag of blocks and packed it with toys and said, " If he leaves, I'm going with him." Though he stayed, the fights got worse. The girl who was only 2 when she had to live with Grandma and Grandpa, not only because of their constant battles, but they had to move in with a friend where the only place they could sleep was the living room floor. Though they tried to repair the relationship after their second daughter was born, when the picture was taken, they separated. The mother went to Canada to stay with an online friend, and the father met someone in Gainesville. He moved in with his daughters into her home where her mother, sister and brother, and her step-dad lived. Even though they separated, things only got more complicated from there. They eventually divorced and they were both soon re-married. 6 years later, the older sister is still hurt by what happened before, but has learned how to move on and to let her friends be there for her. The older sisters name, I can't say for privacy reasons. But you know her name perfectly well if you know mine.

SotD :
    Breathe ~ Anna Nalick

<3 ~Steph~


My pie hole hurts....

So, you know how in front of your front teeth you have that little flap of skin? Well, mine was kinda cut out of my pie hole today, but for a valid reason. Mine went down to directly in front of my teeth and with that there,  it would pretty much make in pointless to get the magical (note the sarcasm), and painful from what I've heard, braces. For the lack of anything else to put in this post, I'll just go on to the SotD.

Empty ~ The Click Five

Just so you know, there is slight blood content in the video I'm going to post for the song. The clips in the video are from a show called  "Fullmetal Alchemist".


<3 ~Steph~


Lindsey Stirling (and other random stuff ;3)

So I have found an amazing artist on none other than Youtube, and I wanted to he random stuff ;3lp spread the word about her. She not only has amazing talent, you can tell in her videos how much she really enjoys what she does. She does covers of popular songs, but she mostly composes her own music. I can talk all day, or you could just watch an awesome video.

Anyone else going to see The Lorax? Me and my friend are going to go to the mall, catch the movie, and then I'm just going to spend the night at her house. That is, if my mom answers me sometime today. I'm just going to go pester my mom until she answers now!

Oh and FYI my blog has accurate post times now!

<3 ~Steph~

-_-* Trolls

So,I don't completely mind but it still kinda bothers me that someone *Cough* Jaycie *Cough* has decided to copy my whole song of the day thing, but she has made it song of the week. The only reason I don't mind is I'm still beating her as far as veiws go. My song of the day, by the way, is *drumroll*

Na Na Na (Na Na NaNa Na Na) ~ My Chemical Romance

Gotta go back to class!

<3 ~Steph~